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    Development, Learning and Language in a Child’s Early Years

    Language Development

    Early childhood is a critical period in a child’s life where they experience rapid growth and development in various areas, including physical, cognitive, and language development. This period is crucial for building the foundation for a child’s future growth and success. Physical Development in Early Childhood Physical development in early childhood refers to the changes […]

    Autism – A Different Kind of Brilliant

    Autism - A Different kind of Brilliant

    What is Autism? Autism is a developmental disability caused by neurological and chemical differences in different parts of the brain.  They face problems with social communication and have restricted behaviors. Autistic people are unable to understand what others are thinking resulting in behavioral issues depending on the spectrum they are on. They face difficulty in […]

    Natural Remedies for ADHD

    Natural Remedies for ADHD

    ADHD also known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a very common neurodevelopmental disorder in children and Adults. Most of the cases are diagnosed in childhood and last till adulthood. Those with ADHD have difficulty paying attention, and controlling impulsive behaviour, they act without thinking about the results. ADHD can be caused by brain damage, […]

    Speech Therapy in Dubai

    Speech therapy in dubai

    Speech therapy centers in Dubai focus on learning ‘how to cope with a child’s lack of phonemic awareness.’ We understand how phonemic awareness is crucial to a child’s ability to read and understand written language. It is entirely based on how the kid comprehends and decodes written data and turns it into speech. We don’t […]