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    Dyscalculia Treatment for Kids and Adults

    Dyscalculia treatment Dubai

    Dyscalculia is a learning disability that makes it difficult for a person to understand math concepts. Individuals with dyscalculia have to use unique learning approaches to learn and understand fundamental math concepts. While the process may be slow, the condition is treatable. At Brainnovation, we deliver a comprehensive training program to complement dyscalculia in our center in Dubai. We have helped various individuals with dyscalculia through scientifically proven strategies and programs.

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    What is Dyscalculia?

    Dyscalculia is a term used to describe the difficulties experienced in learning concepts related to maths or understanding number-based concepts. Dyscalculia affects the areas of the brain that are related to deal with Maths and number-related skills. This condition goes beyond having issues understanding maths. Individuals with dyscalculia make big mistakes while dealing with numbers. They also often experience anxiety and depression when having to deal with Mathematical or numerical concepts.

    Dyscalculia Symptoms

    The symptoms of dyscalculia may differ depending on the age of the patient and the development stage. Some of the most commonly seen symptoms of dyscalculia include the following:

    Dyscalculia Treatment For Adults

    Dyscalculia treatment for adults may be more challenging when compared to children. This is because adults do not have an academic routine with educational and learning materials and resources. For dyscalculia treatment for adults, healthcare providers may recommend exercises and training to improve the conditions. Brainnovation and its team of certified trainers support Dyscalculia treatment in Dubai using scientifically proven measures and techniques. Our brain training programs are backed by research and have visible results with lasting gains.

    Dyscalculia Cure

    There is no exact cure for dyscalculia. However, various interventions and training strategies can help in the effective management of the condition. Special training and education programs, brain training, supportive environment, and care are required to achieve success in understanding Math concepts.

    Dyscalculia Medication

    There are no Dyscalculia medications available currently. Dyscalculia condition cannot be treated with medications. Specialized learning programs and strategies can help in managing the condition. While there are no medications for dyscalculia, healthcare providers may prescribe medications for conditions co-existing with dyscalculia, such as anxiety or ADHD. Brainnovation and its team of certified trainers help individuals not only with dyscalculia but also with ADHD, which may happen due to dyscalculia. We provide comprehensive Dyscalculia treatment in Dubai using methods backed by scientific studies and results.

    Dyscalculia Treatment

    Dyscalculia Tests

    Dyscalculia tests help understand the specific areas where the child is struggling while doing maths. Dyscalculia tests used to screen the condition include:

    Dyscalculia Diagnosis

    For dyscalculia diagnosis, your doctor will first conduct a complete medical and family history examination. During the session, you will be asked questions to rule out the possibility of other conditions. In the next step, you will be asked to see a psychologist or a learning specialist to understand your condition and make a confirmed diagnosis of dyscalculia. Once the dyscalculia diagnosis is confirmed, further personalized treatment plans will be devised to ensure effective management of the condition.

    How Can Brainnovation Help?

    At Brainovation, we provide dyscalculia training programs designed with the latest research in mind. These programs focus on improving comprehension and reasoning skills associated with math problems. Our expert team has curated various exercises tailored to each individual’s needs, ensuring that both children and adults receive the support they need to succeed. These programs are available throughout Dubai and the UAE, offering flexibility to families and individuals seeking help.
    Identify your strong and weak skills through a Cognitive Skills Assessment.
    Customize & recommend a suitable program Targeted to your weak skills and help you overcome the daily life struggle.
    Embark you on a transformational journey through FUN & Intensive Mental exercises with a Personal Certified Brain trainer.

      Benefits of Dyscalculia training at Brainnovation

      Benefits of training at Brainnovation


      Individuals having dyscalculia may often experience stress and anxiety when having to deal with many concepts. They may struggle to keep track of their money and manage their finances, have trouble understanding charts or graphs and may also have difficulty in planning enough time to get things done.

      Yes, dyscalculia is a lifelong condition. However, early treatment and management through effective strategies can help the patient by reducing the effect of the condition.

      It is easier to treat dyscalculia in children when compared to adults as their brains are not fully developed. However, with proper treatment strategies like brain training, dyscalculia can be managed in children and adults.
      While ADHD is a commonly occurring condition along with dyscalculia, it is not necessary that if you have dyscalculia, you will also have ADHD.
      Yes, dyscalculia is a neurological disorder that can affect both children and adults.

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