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    Dyscalculia Treatment in Dubai

    Understanding and Addressing Numerical Difficulties

    If you or your loved one is struggling with numbers and mathematical concepts, you may be dealing with dyscalculia. Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that affects an individual’s ability to understand and manipulate numbers. However, numerical skills and cognitive abilities such as processing speed, memory and Attention can all be strengthened through a scientific and researched approach known as Brain Training.

    Therapies Available in Dubai for Individuals with Dyscalculia

    If you are seeking Dyscalculia treatment in Dubai, your search ends here. The skilled professionals at Brainnovation are ready to help. Continue reading to gain a deeper understanding of this condition and discover how we can support you on your academic or professional journey.

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    What is Dyscalculia?

    Dyscalculia is a specific learning disorder characterized by difficulties in understanding and processing numerical information. Individuals with dyscalculia may struggle with basic arithmetic operations, number sense, counting, estimation, and mathematical reasoning. It is important to note that dyscalculia is unrelated to intellectual ability, as individuals with dyscalculia can have average or above-average intelligence in other areas.

    Dyscalculia Diagnosis

    To diagnose dyscalculia, comprehensive assessments conducted by qualified professionals are necessary. These assessments may include:

    By conducting these assessments, specialists can identify the presence and severity of Dyscalculia and develop tailored treatment plans.

    Recognizing the Symptoms

    It is essential to identify the signs of dyscalculia early on to provide timely support and intervention. Common symptoms of dyscalculia include:

    If you or someone you know exhibits these symptoms, seeking professional assessment and dyscalculia tests is crucial for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

    If you observe any of the above symptoms for a considerable amount of time, we suggest testing for dyscalculia with our world-class brain trainers.

    The process of Reading for Good Readers VS Poor Readers (See Below)

    How Can Brainnovation Help?

    If you are ready to work on your reading comprehension with the help of our training sessions, reach out to our team to Schedule your Brain Skills Assessment with us. Take the first step to easier learning!

    Identify your strong and weak skills through a Cognitive Skills Assessment.
    Customize & recommend a suitable program Targeted to your weak skills and help you overcome the daily life struggle.
    Embark you on a transformational journey through FUN & Intensive Mental exercises with a Personal Certified Brain trainer.

    It is essential to consult with professionals who have expertise in dyscalculia and experience in providing evidence-based interventions. We, as professionals can guide you through the assessment process, develop tailored treatment plans, and collaborate with schools or educational institutions to support your learning journey.

      Can Brain Training Help People with Dyscalculia?

      YES. Dyscalculia should not hinder anyone’s potential for academic success or professional growth. With our targeted training that assists Dyscalculia treatment in Dubai, individuals can overcome their numerical difficulties and gain confidence in their mathematical abilities.

      By recognizing the symptoms, seeking professional assessment, and accessing appropriate interventions, individuals with dyscalculia can unlock their full potential and thrive in numerical pursuits. Remember, support is available, and a brighter mathematical future awaits you at Brainnovation Dubai, UAE.

      Talk to our skilled and friendly team today +971 56 769 5585

      Effective strategies for overcoming numerical challenges

      Benefits of training at Brainnovation

      Here’s what these improvements look like on a graph:

      “Pre- and Post-Training Cognitive Performance among Brain training Clients with Dyscalculia”

      Brain training Clients with Dyslexia - Age Equivalent Graph
      Want to know more about our Research & Case studies? CLICK HERE to Read our Client Outcomes Publication in detail.

      Dyscalculia Treatment Options

      The field of dyscalculia treatment has advanced significantly, providing effective strategies and interventions to address numerical difficulties. In Dubai, UAE, individuals with dyscalculia have access to various treatment options, including:

      Enhance Cognitive Abilities and Improve Mental Performance

      Is there a cure for Dyscalculia?

      While there is no known cure for dyscalculia, effective treatments and interventions can significantly improve an individual’s mathematical abilities and help them manage their difficulties.

      Comprehensive programs to assist dyscalculia treatment

      Dyscalculia Medication

      Currently, there is no specific medication for dyscalculia. Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that primarily requires educational and therapeutic interventions to address the underlying difficulties. However, in some cases, individuals with dyscalculia may have comorbid conditions, such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), for which medication may be prescribed. It is important to consult with medical professionals to determine the most appropriate treatment plan based on an individual’s specific needs.


      Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that specifically affects a person’s ability to understand and work with numbers. Individuals with dyscalculia may struggle with basic mathematical operations, number sense, and numerical concepts. Here are some common signs and symptoms associated with dyscalculia:

      • Difficulty recognizing and understanding numbers, their magnitude, and their relationship to each other.
      • Challenges in performing arithmetic operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
      • Difficulty understanding and remembering mathematical symbols and concepts.
      • Trouble estimating and comparing quantities or measurements.
      • Struggles with telling time, understanding money, and managing finances.
      • Difficulty with spatial awareness, which can affect tasks like reading graphs and maps.
      • Challenges in sequencing numbers and understanding mathematical patterns.

      It’s important to note that dyscalculia can vary in severity and may present differently in different individuals. It’s always best to consult with a qualified professional for an accurate diagnosis.

      Yes, dyscalculia is typically considered a lifelong condition. It is a specific learning disability that persists throughout a person’s life. However, with appropriate support, intervention, and accommodations, individuals with dyscalculia can develop strategies to cope with their challenges and improve their mathematical abilities. Early identification and intervention are key in helping individuals with dyscalculia succeed in academic and everyday life.

      While dyscalculia cannot be “cured” in the traditional sense, there are interventions and strategies that can help individuals with dyscalculia manage their difficulties and improve their mathematical skills. These may include:

      • Specialized educational interventions and individualized instruction tailored to the needs of the individual improving cognitive abilities.
      • Multisensory approaches that engage multiple senses to reinforce mathematical concepts.
      • Visual aids, manipulatives, and concrete examples to help with understanding.
      • Assistive technology and tools to support mathematical computations.
      • Building foundational skills and number sense through targeted exercises and practice.
      • Ongoing support from educators, tutors, or specialists trained in working with individuals with dyscalculia.

      It’s important to seek support from professionals such as educational psychologists, special education teachers, or learning specialists who can provide appropriate interventions and guidance based on the individual’s needs.

      Dyscalculia and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are separate conditions, although they can coexist in some individuals. Dyscalculia primarily affects mathematical abilities, while ADHD involves difficulties with attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity across various domains. It is possible for someone to have both dyscalculia and ADHD, but it’s also possible to have one condition without the other. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and accurate diagnosis if you suspect you have either or both conditions.

      Yes, dyscalculia is considered a neurological disorder. Research suggests that dyscalculia is related to differences in brain structure and function that affect the processing of numerical information. These differences can impact an individual’s ability to understand and work with numbers effectively. Dyscalculia is believed to have a biological basis, and it is not solely attributed to environmental factors or lack of instruction. However, it is important to note that the exact causes of dyscalculia are still being investigated, and further research is needed to fully understand its underlying mechanisms. Remember, if you suspect you or someone you know has dyscalculia, it is recommended to seek professional assessment and guidance from qualified experts in the field of learning disabilities. They can provide appropriate support, interventions, and strategies to help individuals with the condition.
      In fact, studies show that weak auditory processing skills are at the root of approximately 85% of all reading struggles. This is why interventions that use cognitive training techniques to target and strengthen auditory processing and other cognitive abilities get such tremendous results.

      Client Testimonials