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    ADHD and Screen Time

    Mobile phones, televisions, video games, and laptops are not mere gadgets anymore. Today, they have become a necessity. People cannot imagine functioning without these gadgets. While these gadgets are beneficial for adults and make their everyday lives easy, they also have a negative impact on children. Prolonged screen time has adverse effects on children’s attention span. According to a study conducted by researchers in 2023, found that during the COVID-19 pandemic, screen time among children and teenagers increased. The study suggested that using screens for a long time can also cause screen time addiction and affect physical health and sleep in children and teenagers.

    Screen time, when wisely used by children, can help them grow their knowledge and become better at cognitive skills. However, prolonged screen time can significantly affect the child’s health. Hence, it is important for parents to understand that there are various factors they need to consider before introducing their kids to screen time. In this blog, we will be discussing about the impact of screen time on children’s attention span and how parents play a role in this.

    The Current Landscape of Screen Time

    Screen time is becoming the new normal in today’s time. Most people these days require screen time to perform basic tasks. As per a study, an average person’s screen time is around 6 hours 40 minutes a day. The impact of screen time is not only seen in children but also in adults. Screens are necessary, as they connect the world together. But spending time on screens also has its cons. Prolonged screen time has been found to affect mental health significantly, especially in young children.

    Average daily screen time for children by age group

    You will be shocked to learn that, according to reports from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the average daily screen time for children by age group is as follows:

    These hours don’t include the screen time children spend doing their school work.

    Types of Screen Time

    When adults spend their time on screens, they perform various activities. For example, some use computers for work, mobile phones to connect to or watch their favorite show, television to watch a movie, etc. Similarly, children also have different types of screen exposure, which have different types of effects on them. The different types of screen time include the following:

    Educational screen time vs. entertainment screen time

    Educational screen time

    Educational screen time is the time that children spend to improve their learning and cognitive skills. Educational screen time may include using learning apps, watching educational videos or, taking online classes, etc.

    Entertainment screen time

    Entertainment screen time includes the time that children spend on activities like playing video games, watching movies or TV shows, or browsing and scrolling through social media apps.

    Passive screen time vs. interactive screen time

    Passive screen time

    Passive screen time includes too much consumption of screen time. Passive screen time includes playing video games, watching movies or TV, or using social media apps on the phone. Passive screen time involves spending time with no social interactions. This type of screen time has a bad effect on both physical and mental health.

    Interactive screen time

    Interactive screen time is when a person engages and interacts with the real world while using the screen. Interactive screen time may include spending time on learning apps or participating in interactive sessions.

    How Screen Time Affects Children’s Attention Span

    Studies have revealed that spending too much time on screen hampers with various activities that are necessary for the development of the brain. Excessive screen time prevents the child from experiencing social interaction and getting involved in sports and learning experiences. It also impacts a child’s attention span, cognitive skills, language, and problem-solving skills.

    Effect of Screen Time on Cognitive Development

    Just like every other thing, screen time also has its pros and cons. Screen time, when used wisely for learning and interacting, can help develop cognitive skills. However, if excessive screen time is used to play video games, watch shows, or scroll mindlessly on social media, then it can affect the skills.

    Aspire, children who spend more time on screen, especially passive screen time and entertainment-based screen time, are more prone to have shorter attention spans. These children also have trouble concentrating and focusing on skills.

    Mechanisms of Impact

    Screen time can impact the development of the brain significantly. For example, too much screen time, such as spending time on fast-paced content like video games, can cause stimulation. This can make it difficult for the children to perform slow-paced activities like reading.

    Signs Your Child’s Attention Span May Be Affected

    Behavioral Indicators

    One of the most common signs of the negative impact of screen time is a shorter attention span in children. Additionally, children who are habituated to prolonged screen time may also find it difficult to stay off of screens or perform tasks that do not involve screens. Children who spend more time on screen may also find it difficult to concentrate on important tasks such as reading and writing.

    Academic and social impacts

    Prolonged screen time can negatively impact the academic performance of children. It can cause a decline in school performance due to poor cognitive skills and reduced concentration ability. Additionally, spending more time on screen can also prevent the child from socializing or participating in activities like face-to-face interaction or group conversations. As a result, the child may have a poor social life.

    Correlation Between Screen Time and Childhood ADHD

    A study highlighted that excessive screen time can significantly contribute to the development of ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) in young children. Hence, to reduce the risk of ADHD, it is important for parents to ensure that children spend less time on screen. Another study found that increased screen time also had an increase in symptoms of ADHD.

    While further studies are required to confirm whether increased screen time can cause ADHD or not, studies have shown that too much screen time may make children more susceptible to ADHD symptoms and worsen the symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.

    Managing Screen Time for Children with ADHD

    Too much screen time is not good for adults, let alone children. While screen time is essential in today’s time, it is also essential to find a proper balance to ensure our work gets done without compromising on our brain health. It may be challenging for parents to manage screen time for children with ADHD. However, by following a proper strategy, it can be done.

    The following tips can help manage screen time for children with ADHD:

    Long-Term Strategies for Healthy Screen Habits

    Some long-term strategies that can help include healthy screen habits include:

    Modelling Good Behavior

    Children learn a lot from their parents. A parent’s role in shaping their child is critical. By engaging in the right family activities, limiting screen time, going for outdoor activities, and learning educational content together, parents can help include healthy screen habits into their children’s lives.

    Open Communication

    Communication is vital when dealing with children, especially young children. Communicating with children about limited screen time and the adverse effects of prolonged screen time is essential to help them understand the importance of maintaining a healthy balance.

    Regular Reviews and Adjustments

    As parents, it is necessary to view and adjust your child’s screen time regularly. Making timely changes and adjustments helps maintain a good balance while getting the required screen time, leading to an improved overall quality of mental health.


    Screen time is a critical part of our lives. It cannot be eliminated. However, like everything else, a balance is required. Most children these days find it difficult to stay clear of screen time. This long-time exposure to screen time affects not only the child’s attention span but also overall development. As parents, it is important to take the right measures to foster healthy screen habits and help children maintain a balance between screen time and focusing on their brain health. By setting proper limits, making screen time schedules, including alternative activities like sports, reading with your child, having screen time together, or taking part in a fun activity with them encourages a healthy screen habit and helps them with better brain health. Limiting screen time is also essential for good attention span and cognitive health, especially in children with ADHD.


    About the Author

    Tasneem Diwanji

    Tasneem Diwanji is the Director at Brainnovation. A bustling mother of 4, passionate about helping others & seeing clients reach their potential through the program has made me believe & enjoy what I do.